Sunday 15 July 2012

Article-2076: Sedna is going to strike the earth

Sedna is going to strike the earth on 15th May 2076.

Xman: Hey Lalji, I have read your book Timeline- સમયરેખા, quite interesting to know that the comet namely Sedna is going to strike the earth on 3:30 AM at northern Atlantic ocean and between America and Europe, south to Iceland, are you sure ?
Lalji: Yes.
Xman:  please elaborate as location, time everything has been given, even till date no one has admitted that any comet is going to strike to earth within several years.
Lalji: sure,
I have collected so many references for identifying the event which actually going to take place in future.
References are astronomical, mythical and historical.
Some popular myths and stories have been considered to finalize that any comet is going to strike the earth.
Xman: is sedna is the same comet- 90377 Sedna ?
Lalji: it is sure that the comet is going to strike the earth on 15th May, 2076 and it has taken long time to decide about the name of the comet. After detailed study, the name sedna has been chosen.
Xman: kindly give some facts
Lalji: sure.
First of all, the story starts the popular predictions of Mamaidev, the saint born in India in eleventh century, who has spoken 9,99,000 verses which describes the past, present and future events with date, time and place in the kachchhi language.
The accurate translation of verses has given the details of future event.
ટુટો આડબંધ ને થીયો ઉજારો, થીયો પંચોરથ જુગજો પરમાણ,
મુળુ રાજા કે કરમ ચડીંધો, મામઈ ભણે માયસરીયા, તેની જુગ જયણમે ઉજારો થીંધો.
A comet will strike at the end of Kali Age, and a new Age called Panchorath yug (Sat yug, of second cycle) will come.
Muru raja will heal the earth, Mamai said, the light of that strike will be seen all over the earth.

However, the translation took long time as આડબંધ (Aad-bandh) word was spoken, the deeper meaning of  “Aad” is land and “bandh” is loop. Collectively this word after 900 years, we know as comet. Moreover, it will be indication of the new Age, called Sat yug will start with that strike. At that time, The supreme lord (Muru- the root of universe) who would be coming on white horse with great sword will heal the earth and stabilize the religion and unite all the religion all over the world.
Earlier, I thought the lord will use Atom Bomb but I was wrong, further I thought the Atom-Bomb can not generate the light which can be seen all over the world, so finally It was confirmed that the comet is going to strike the earth.
Even, why should lord come on horse and sword at the time of science and technology at its peak level?
Xman: interesting,
And how do you know about the year, date and time of the strike ?
Lalji: As I said, in the Mamaidev’s verses, the time is also given.
શક ઓગણીસસો, વરસ સતાણવો
તેની આડમે, હોઈસે હલલકાર
મામઈ ભણે માઈસરીયા, તેની આડમે જુગ જુરધા ચાર
ધરમસે હોયસે માન, જુગ પંચોરથ પ્રગટશે
મામઈ ભણે માઈસરીયા, તેની ઈશાની પવન આડકે ભંજશે.
The saka samvat 1997, the earth will face mass massacre, Mamai said, at that time need will be generated to finish the cycle of four yug and starting of new cycle with sat yug (panchorath yug). Then, again dominance of religion come to earth in Sat yug, Mamai said, the rain will come from Ishan.

The verses of Mamaidev in Saka samvat which is popular in India, presently, the 1934th year of Saka is running in the year 2012. So calculating saka-1997, this would be coming in 2076 in future.  Massacre is the indication of mass deaths in the world war –III which is going to start from 2056 for which, (read separate article for World War-III).  For the strike of comet, there are number of verses, but the important verses are as under:
અણધારઈ ઉતરધી, જીવ જીવજો લેખો ગિનધો ધાર, મામઈભણે માયસરીયા, મા નુ વિછુડધો બાર
એડી વેરા વરતધી, લખે ગાઉ તે સુજધો ઘા, મામઈભણે માઈસરીયા, માડુએજો હરુરીયે વેંધો સા.
Something which come from sky would not be predicted exactly, which is going to take millions of life. Mamai said, mom will not find her child.
The worst time come, millions of kilometers, the sound of strike will be heard, mamai said, people will lose their life merely see the strike.
ધરોધર ભાય ધૂખધી, મનખેજી બુધ્ધી ફરધી, મામઈભણે માઈસરીયા, રત રોડધો પૃથ્વી મથે,
સમૈનગર મે સાઓ થીંધો, સિંધ મેંજા લગધો ડમ, મામઈભણે માઈસરીયા, ઉજામધો ન આડજો જમ
Earth will burn, people will lose control over their mind and will perform bad activities (like rape, fight for food ) , mamai said, comet will run on the earth, samai nagar will come to opposite direction, heat will come from Sindh, mamai said, the demon of heat will not relax.  

માતા સોમલખી સોરંગ બાપ, ઉજેણીમે અવતરશે કાન,
સ્વામી કરીંધો આડ તે સમધરા, મુળુ માંડવા ગઢ જો રા’
His (Lord) mothers name will be “Somalakhi” and fathers name will be “Sorang”, the Lord Krishna will incarnate in Ujjain. He will make flat plane on the earth, Lord Muru will be the king of Mandva gadh.

Here word used, flat earth means : the strike will be at the high so that every human made building will be merged with the earth in the few seconds. (Birth of Lord and other future events are explained in separate article).

એકાણુએ માસ સાવણ, સાતમને શુક્રવાર, ઉત્તર દિશાનુ દળ હલધો, હુધો એકલકાર, છપ્પન કરોડ છાણવે છાણીધો, સતાણુએ તપધો તપ, અઠાણુએ અંધકાર, નવાણુએ દળ હલધો.
Friday, Shravan (near about July-August) month Saka 1991, i.e. 2069 India will face world war which would be started from 2056, the army will come from north of India. 560000000 army persons will be the great warriors on the earth which will die. In saka 1997, i.e. 2076 the world war will be at peak level, in saka 1998 i.e. 2077, the earth will face great darkness, even, day and night only darkness will prevail. In the saka 1998 i.e. 2078 the God will heal the earth with the Army and stabilize everything.
The comet strike in 2076 would have impact over the year and result in great darkness on the earth up to 2077.

Xman: that’s looking true, but do you have any other references in support of the strike.
Lalji: yes, Mamaidev predictions were tested with other predictions and religious books  of different religion
Xman: kindly explain
Lalji: sure.
The famous Nosradamus (born in France in 1503 AD) predictions were also considered for approval of the said event.
The Nostradamus has predicted the same event considering France in centre. The verses by Nostradamus are as under:
Mabus plustost alors mourra, viendra,
De gens & bestes vn horrible defaite:
Puis tout à coup la vengeance on verra,
Cent, main, faim quand courra la comete.

"Mabus" then will soon die, there will come
Of people and beasts a horrible rout:
Then suddenly one will see vengeance,
Hundred, hand, thirst, hunger when the comet will run.

When the comet will strike, the earth will face great death. Thirst, hunger at high level even, people will eat the fish which would be half cooked came from the sea. This is the story of people living on the sea area, we can not predict the people who will live throughout countyside. All the people on the earth will eat meat only and will not find the water to drink.

Nostradamus has also predicted the birth of Lord (the great Chiren, he is the same who is awaited one i.e. Lord/ Krishna/ Mater Jesus/ Allah / Khuda / The Super Soul/ the root of all the material/immaterial of the universe (Brahmand)) with the same event, same as under:

La barbe crespe & noire par engin,
Subiuguera la gent cruelle & fiere:
Le grand Chiren ostera du longin.
Tous les captifs par Seline banniere.


The beard frizzled and black through skill
Will subjugate the cruel and proud people:
The great "Chyren" will remove from far away
All those captured by the banner of "Selin". +

Le grand mené captif d'estrange terre,
D'or enchainé au Roy Chyren offert:
Qui dans Ausone, Milan perdra la guerre,
Et tout son ost mis à feu & à fer.


The great one of the foreign land led captive,
Chained in gold offered to King "Chyren":
He who in Ausonia, Milan will lose the war,
And all his army put to fire and sword.

Above predictions from Mamaidev and Nostradamus are quite enough to explain the event. Though, there are many other verses of the event but here only few verses are shown.
Xman: any religious references?
Lalji: it has been mentioned in the Quran and Bible that when Lord will come to earth, a comet will run on the earth and the earth will suffer a great Darkness. These days will be the judgment days.
Xman:  still the place of strike has not been explained and time 3:30 and name also.
Lalji: Let me explain the same also.
As per the Bhavishya Puran, the Lord Krishna will punish all malechh of the earth and punish the lawless one.
The verse of Bhavishya purana is as under:
I pray Lord Krishna, who has taken his First incarnation as Machchh (Fish) to save Veda from demon and brought life on the earth (after strike of comet (sea) which has brought water on the earth). Second incarnation as Kachchh (Tortoise) to form the geography of the earth, the Third incarnation as Varah (Boar) to restore the earth which was going in to sea by the act of Hiranaksha, the Fourth incarnation as Narsinh (Lion head human i.e. Lion man) to kill the demon Hiranyakashyap, the Fifth incarnation as Vaman (Short man) win over the evil thoughts of King Bali, Sixth incarnation as Parshuram (Axe man) as promised to King Bali to save their people from Kshatriya at Golden Gates, Seventh incarnation as Ram (Ideal man) to kill Ravan, Eighth incarnation as Krishna (Perfect man)– Balaram to take Hal (plough) as  weapon , Ninth incarnation as Buddha (Enlightened manto spread compassion, and Tenth incarnation as kalki (Muru- the Root of universe) to swoon the Malechchha and heal the earth.

The Tenth incarnation is yet to occur in 2038, which will swoon the malechchha in 2077-78. And malechchha countries are Europe, Africa and America, so the comet is going to strike between America and Europe and south to Iceland in the sea.
Time 3:30 AM of strike place suggest that, at that time non- malechchha countries will have morning or day.
Xman: Again question comes, why comet will strike and run in sea and not on land ?
Lalji: The popular myth from Mayan culture has been taken that the sedna is the goddess of sea, so the said strike is milan (meet) of the sedna and sea. Earlier we have seen the water came to earth from the strike of comet which brought water on the earth.  The both comet have the great meet at that time when Lord- the super soul will incarnate on the earth.
Xman: again to ask is sedna is 90377-Sedna ?
Lalji: 90377 sedna is the cold comet which is coming nearest to the earth in Mid 2076, quite interesting to note that the name which has been given to the comet which is also coming near to earth in 2076 up to 76-AU( Astronomical unit) as per the astronomers. And radius of the same is near about 1000 km.
However, the said comet can have effect on kuiper belt and due to that some of the asteroids comes in the gravitational force of the earth and have chances to strike the earth.
Xman: so, sedna is the asteroid?
Lalji: no. no.
Asteroids are in the kuiper bel of 30 AU to 50 AU in the solar system. Sedna is goddess of sea, so the meeting is between sedna and sea.
Xman: strike may be of asteroid and not sedna ?
Lalji: earlier I thought for the same, that asteroid of some 5 to 10 km will strike to the earth. But as per mamaidev predictions, after strike of comet in the tangent form, the comet will run on the earth, the earth will change its position. The North Pole will come at south pole and south pole will be at north pole. Mamaidev also said that the direction of moon and sun will be same from east to west. Mamaidev said the strike will give- 9 days of the week, 16 lunar months, 36 nakhatras, 38 lunar days of the lunar month.
I don’t think, an asteroid of 5 to 10 km can change the pole position of the earth. It require comet of around 800 to 1000 km of diameter. Because the diameter of earth is 12756 km, the diameter of 1000 km comet is so small. However , it looks around 10% of diameter, it doesn’t mean its 10 time smaller than earth.
Volume of Sedna (radius approx= 500 km):
 volume = 4/3 * Pie* radius^3.
= 4/3* 3.14 * 500^3
=52.33 * 10^7 km3
Volume of Earth (radius approx = 6378 km):
 volume = 4/3 * Pie* radius^3.
= 4/3* 3.14 * 6378^3
=10.86 * 10^11 km3
So the earth is 2075.29 times bigger than sedna.
So , the pole change is possible by striking on tangent form to the earth and which will not make end of the world as tangent strike (comet will run) and moving of earth will absorb the force.
If the name given to this comet is right, it’s the same which is going to strike the earth. Otherwise Sedna is another comet which is going to strike the earth on 15th May 2076, and scientists have to find out the Sedna. 
Xman: So the God will unite all religion?
Lalji: yes, that is mentioned in the other article of Tenth Incarnation. However, all the religion will be united, the race, color, sex, Varna discriminations will be removed in the year 2077. Probably, 2076 will be the last year of all the calendars of all the religions on the earth. The new calendar will start for all on the earth and will be lunar calendar.   
Planetary Positions on 15th May, 2076

Sedna will be attracted by the center of mass from 2063. As the strike will be on 15th May, 2076, all the planets will be on one side and Pluto on the other side. So all the planets plays significant role in the strike, they will be considered as planets and name of the week days will be given i.e. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Uranusday and Neptuneday. The Pluto will not be considered as planet, meant nine days of the week in the next cycle.

Before Strike:

Positions of moon for 30 lunar days:

Positions of moon and earth before strike:

Details in respect of positions:
  • Diameter of earth is 12,756 km.
  • Distance from sun is 14,95,98,261 km.(1 AU).
  • Density is 5.515  gm/cm3.
  • In the form of Panchmahabhut. i.e. space, air, light, water, earth. 
  • Speed around sun is 29.78 km/sec.
  • Earth is at  23.44 degree tilt.
  • Sun rising from east. i.e. from Japan. 
  • Sun moves from east to west (earth moving around sun).
  • Moon moves from west to east.
  • Shadow of sun on solar eclipse moves from east to west.
  • 12 months of lunar year.
  • Seven days of the week.i.e. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, thurseday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday.
  • 12 Zodiac signs. i.e. Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces. 
  • 27 Nakhatras.
  • 30 lunar days. 15 towards full moon day and 15 towards new moon day.
  • Additional month added in lunar year.
  • Seven continents seen clearly.
  • Black spot seen clearly in the moon.

After Strike:

Positions of moon for 38 lunar days:

Positions of moon and earth after strike:

Details in respect of positions:
  • Diameter of earth is 12,756 km.
  • Distance from sun is 14,95,98,261 km.(1 AU).
  • Density of the earth will increase.
  • In the form of Panchmahabhut. i.e. space, air, light, water, earth. 
  • Speed around sun is 29.78 km/sec.
  • Earth will be at zero degree tilt.
  • Sun rising from east. i.e. from Japan. 
  • Sun moves from east to west (earth moving around sun).
  • Moon will move from east to west.
  • Shadow of sun on solar eclipse, move from east to west.
  • 16 months of lunar year.
  • Nine days of the week.i.e. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, thurseday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Uranusday, Neptuneday.
  • 12 Zodiac signs. i.e. Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces. The direction and angle will change.  
  • 36 Nakhatras.
  • 38 lunar days. 19 towards full moon day and 19 towards new moon day.
  • Additional month need not to be added in lunar year.
  • Seven continents will not be seen clearly as ice will be evaporated from the poles and earth will come at zero degree tilt. Sea level comes very high.
  • Black spot will not be seen in the moon.

Copy right 2012: source: Book-Timeline- સમયરેખા, 21-06-2012. by Lalji Maheshwari.


  1. Nostradamus in his codes predicts 92 Years of peace between the Second World War and the third world war. Hence we arrive at the Year 2037 which ushers in catastrophic changes. The comet ( Jan 2037) and asteroid ( June 2040) according to the Book of Revelations would destroy one third of the land and one third of the sea respectively submerging countries like Britain, Japan, South Africa, Singapore, parts of USA ( San Francisco) and ancient civilizations. After the 3 1/2 Years of peace war will breakout in 2041. India will be occupied by China. China and Russia will annex and occupy USA. Europe will be devastated by the Islamic invaders lead by the Mahdi of Greater Arabia who sports a blue turban launching nuclear weapons on it. The war would see 200 million soldiers kill 3 billion people. Read for Hindu prophecies which mentions Kalki (Sree Veerabhoga Vasantharaya born in 1965-66 ) will restore law and order and usher in 1000 Years of peace from 2064 onwards.

    1. Not much difference in your comment and above article. Good luck.
